New forum set up

Please head over to, where we have a new (but basic) forum set up!

We have been working honest!

I've been messing about with a design mr byles came up with, it's still no where complete and we've been having trouble deciding on the background.
Here are the backgrounds, the poll is to the right of the page! Oh, and don't forget that you can leave comments, we don't bite!

Tracks background

Chav background

Big yellow lines background
Invaded background

Slim Yellow Lines background

Big Grey Lines background

Any other comments or critiques are welcome.

Your blogs!

Since things are slow with development of a new Island Gamers website, we're more than happy to add your blog feeds to the IG blog!

If you've got a blog about gaming, let us know the URL so we can add it (just post it in a comment)! Check out the blogs we've already added further down this page (on the right).

Where's the NEW site?!

As you may have read in previous posts, we were working on getting a new website up and running, as we've pretty much lost the database for the old website. Unfortunately though, we've made no progress.

We need help! If anybody is interested in helping develop the new Island Gamers website, either by contributing code or design and graphics, please let us know! We desperately need a decent logo or emblem for Island Gamers, as well as general site design. This is a fresh start, and any ideas that you have for a new site will be welcomed!

If you are interested in development; we have decided to use a Content Management System called DotNetNuke as the basis of a new site. Just drop us a comment on this blog if you've got any suggestions or questions! :)

Come Play My Game

Characters wiped, new host, faster engine. Now includes content for levels 5-7. Content for 8-12 coming soon!

The Shape of Things

IG as you knew it is dead. We're retiring the server because it is literally falling to bits, and the site as it was will be ditched.

Don't fret though, there's always a plan! We're working on building a brand new, simpler and more refined We're modifying an off-the-shelf portal solution to our needs, allowing us to get a new site up as quickly as possible. The new site will provide a blog engine for each registered Islander to use, as well as a simple forum with more focus on gaming, and less focus on bullshit.

We're pricing up parts for a new 1U server. We have a case (Byles posted some pictures a while ago) and we're working out which motherboards will fit in it. We're aiming to build a simple Core2 machine with a couple of gigs of RAM.

If anyone out there wants to donate a 300GB+ SATA drive to the cause, let us know ;)

Merry Christmas

Merry christmas and a happy new year!