The Shape of Things

IG as you knew it is dead. We're retiring the server because it is literally falling to bits, and the site as it was will be ditched.

Don't fret though, there's always a plan! We're working on building a brand new, simpler and more refined We're modifying an off-the-shelf portal solution to our needs, allowing us to get a new site up as quickly as possible. The new site will provide a blog engine for each registered Islander to use, as well as a simple forum with more focus on gaming, and less focus on bullshit.

We're pricing up parts for a new 1U server. We have a case (Byles posted some pictures a while ago) and we're working out which motherboards will fit in it. We're aiming to build a simple Core2 machine with a couple of gigs of RAM.

If anyone out there wants to donate a 300GB+ SATA drive to the cause, let us know ;)

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